New human-machine interaction device![]() OZON. A story about ring, what controls all mobile devices
At the latest South by Southwest festival of of original music, independent films, and emerging Technologies there was a small ring in Sony Future Labs exhibition box. It looks at first like nothing special – maybe just too simple, too robust finger-wearable jewelry. But from inside, it may be the next great pointing device for our computers after mouse. And it includes some great challenges for electronics engineers to solve.
Marketing![]() Die Marktauftritts-Verbesserer
Einen erfolgreichen Marktauftritt von Produkten und/oder Unternehmen bedingt, dass mit gezielten Medien die Sinne des Menschen angesprochen werden. Und hierbei sind vor allem audio-visuelle Medien die optimalen Kommunikationsquellen. Um diese in der richtigen, wirksamen Art und Weise einzusetzen braucht´s allerdings ein hohes Mass an Wissen und Umsetzungsmittel. MEDIA BRICKS – das Unternehmen mit dem Kerngeschäft für audio-visuellen Medien verschiedener Art – ist hierzu der beste Partner.
ABB in Estonia![]() Solar, wind and variable speed drives - produced in one factory
ABB started in Estonia in 1992. So it’s an old company according to Estonian short history after the independence. Nevertheless, conditions changed a lot during this time. Today ABB is one of the most important foreign factories in Estonia, employing more than 1300 workers and invested more than 100 million euros. o-mag met ABB drives and renewables factory lead Klaus Heiskanen.
ESTCube-1![]() A satellite project to bring stars much closer
Estonia is not a very famous space engineering country. But with the student project ESTCube-1 it made a great step towards a space exploring nation. The Cube satellite was sent to orbit to discover the possibilities to use solar wind sail for faster space travelling.
MDC Max Daetwyler AG, Estonia![]() Swiss punctual metal processing company in Tallinn
Switzerland is most famous abroad for specially exquisite workmanship, doing most exact watches in the world. But swiss companies can do much bigger things than watches with extreme punctuality. Since 1995 Swiss MDC Max Daetwyler AG has a factory in Tallinn near Peterburi road. There are large gauge metal details made, but not only.
Garage48 - or![]() 48 hours to make ideas real
A great chance, to make things happen from scratch to prototype in 48 hours. In 2010, a strange event took place at Estonian IT College. 17 teams of software developers gathered together for competition: they all had a basic idea of a new product, well-motivated team members and time from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening to make ideas real.
Robotex 2015![]() Promoting the fields of enginieering
Estonia’s biggest robotics challenge will meet a record number of participants. Science and education are main important things in a developing society, said United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, when visiting Tallinn and Robotex robotics challenge two years ago. The visit of such an important person indicated, that robotics is one of the main industrial spheres of future and concerns everyone. Estonia’s most important robotics event 2015 will be the biggest of it´s history.
Neue Alpen-Transversale![]() Der Count down läuft
In weniger als einem Jahr, am 1. Juni 2016, wird der Gotthard-Basistunnel, der längste Tunnel der Welt, mit einem offiziellen Staatsakt und am Wochenende darauf mit einem Fest für die Bevölkerung eröffnet. Mit der Fahrplanumstellung im Dezember 2016 wird er ins SBB-Netz integriert. Der Count down läuft. Trotz einiger Verzögerungen in der Startphase...
Filling the gap between industrial and handicraft production![]() Startup helps startups and others
Three years ago a student of Tallinn Technical University listened to a presentation of an Estonian startup company of smart sensors. The company had a problem, that is very common for (Estonian) startups – no one wants to manufacture individual parts or small series. But startups can´t afford to order full wagon of such parts from Chinese ...
Estonian e-residency![]() A good opportunity to become e-citizen
Persuasive reasons for foreign businessmen to become e-resident of Estonia – digital citizen, who receives ID card and all necessary things to give digital signature and use e-services.
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