RBS 70 simulator will allow to train a potential missile operator

Lithuania Strengthens its Air Defence Capability with RBS 70 Simulators

Defence and security company Saab has received an order for RBS 70 simulators from the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Deliveries will take place during 2018.

The Lithuanian Armed Forces have been an RBS 70 customer since 2004. In order to further strengthen their air defence capability, an order for simulators has been placed with Saab. Included in the contract are simulators, training services and spare parts. Saab will work together with the Lithuanian-based Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology (BPTI) on the integration of customised 3D-maps into the RBS 70 simulators, so as to visualise real operational environments for their armed forces.

“The Lithuanian Armed Forces will have a significantly improved training capability with this integration. The 3D maps developed by our local partner BPTI gives them a realistic training environment. They can then practice their deployment and engagement of targets in an exact ‘virtual’ replication of the real world environment that they operate in. This proves how we continuously improve our products to ensure that our customers have the best equipment on the market”, says Michael Höglund, head of marketing and sales at business unit Missile Systems at Saab Business Area Dynamics.

“The Ministry of National defense continues to modernize the RBS 70 systems which are in service of the Lithuanian Armed forces. This contract with Saab will provide our soldiers with advanced simulators. These assets will reduce the training costs and allow us to maintain a high level of soldiers’ readiness”, says LTC Juris Gvozdas, deputy director of Weaponry and Control Systems Department.

The new RBS 70 simulator will allow to train a potential missile operator to engage the most difficult targets. The PC-based simulator has a large number of flight paths, and the instructor can create any aerial threat situation with various kind of targets. 

The Saab portfolio of short-range, ground-based air defence missile systems includes the RBS 70 and the latest version, RBS 70 NG. The RBS 70 system has an impressive track-record with more than 1,600 launchers and over 17,000 missiles delivered to nineteen countries.

18.12.2016 | Autor Kaido Einama   -> Drucken


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