Mobile Eye Tracking Made Easy with Automated Analysis
SensoMotoric Instruments has today launched an automated analysis solution for mobile eye tracking data based on its advanced computer vision algorithms. SMI's Automated Semantic Gaze Mapping (ASGM) eliminates the need for manual mapping, affords faster throughput times, and is highly scalable to cope with any study size.
The State University of New York (SUNY) used ASGM for a study involving emergency procedures in an aircraft simulator. "ASGM helped us to reduce analysis times from a month-with five team members analyzing the basic data-to just a couple weeks for a single graduate student. It gave us very reliable data and has been a great improvement for our research," said project leader Prof. Stephen Macknik. "I would recommend ASGM as an initial approach for anybody analyzing scan path data. It saved us time and money on the overall analysis of our project." International marketing research firm PRS IN VIVO trialed ASGM in shopper research with geographically dispersed respondents. "PRS IN VIVO is happy to announce a successful beta-test with SMI's ASGM as part of a quantitative shopper research project." said Emilie Eberly, VP - Innovation and Integration. "ASGM generated actionable eye-tracking data overnight, where several days were previously needed. It worked perfectly in our test cases. SMI's ASGM is an excellent resource for fast, accurate data that we highly recommend." SMI's mobile eye tracking product manager Dr Arnd Rose stressed its benefit for as-yet untapped eye tracking markets. "With the new automated analysis, SMI's Eye Tracking Glasses (ETG) solution has become the first fully-scalable package on the market," he said. "This will appeal to anyone who wants to use mobile eye tracking and needed a more automated solution for analysis. Now the end-to-end process has become easy, intuitive, and efficient. Even the largest quantitative studies with hundreds of participants and hundreds of hours of video can, with ASGM, be processed in less than one day." ASGM is compatible with all SMI Eye Tracking Glasses and SMI BeGaze 3.6.
10.07.2016 | Autor
Kaido Einama
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